Alabama Home Inspector Organization

Code of Ethics for Home Inspectors

(1) The home inspector will express an opinion only when it is based on practical experience and honest conviction.

(2) The home inspector will always act in good faith toward each client.

(3) The home inspector will not disclose any information concerning the results of the inspection without the approval of the clients or their representatives.

(4) The home inspector will not accept compensation, financial or otherwise, from more than one interested party for the same service without the consent of all interested parties.

(5) The home inspector will not accept nor offer commissions or allowances, directly or indirectly, from other parties dealing with their client in connection with work for which the home inspector is responsible.

(6) The home inspector will promptly disclose to his or her client any interest in a business which may affect the client. The home inspector will not allow an interest in any business to affect the quality or the results of their inspection work which they may be called upon to perform. The inspection work may not be used as a vehicle by the inspector to deliberately obtain work in another field.

(7) The home inspector shall make every effort to uphold, maintain, and improve the professional integrity, reputation, and practice of the home inspection profession.

To read through the Administrative Code Standards Click Here: Alabama Department of Finance/Division of Construction Management -  Administrative Code Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics

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